The Bipolar Roller Coaster. You Must Be This Tall To Ride.
From crying in despair to okay then crying in hopelessness then back to okay. It felt as though I was on the worst roller coaster ride ever.
From crying in despair to okay then crying in hopelessness then back to okay. It felt as though I was on the worst roller coaster ride ever.
I didn’t know better. I had no idea the beasts (bipolar, ADHD, depression) that I would be faced with slaying for the rest of my life.
I was reflecting back since the time I started my Ketamine treatments. I realized since starting Ketamine I have not had one.
Bipolar & Treatment Resistant Depression are a bitch. They can feel like the Wild West of Mood Shifts. Everyday, underscored by instability.
It has officially been over 2 weeks since my last treatment. I can say without a doubt, this past week especially, has been hell.
Ketamine Round 4 and bipolar depression had quite the stand off. For the first time, I feel as though I got some longevity out of my dose.
Remember the movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? Well, with round 3 bipolar depression treatment we once again up’d the ketamine dose.
I couldn't help but wonder, "Was it a bad sign that the ketamine wore off so quickly after round 1?" My anxiety quickly popped up.
At this point in my life I feel as though I could be a pharmacist. I just never knew that Special K, Ketamine would be a part of my arsenal.