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I apologize for my hiatus. As I am sure many of you have experienced or are experiencing, depression, bipolar depression, anxiety, mood...

I'm Anxious Because I'm Anxious!

I have gone through periods of my life where the mere thought of stepping out of my apartment generated paralyzing anxiety.

That's Your Cue(s)

While it can be hard to recognize cues once you are in a bipolar mood cycle, it can still be worth keeping an eye out for them.

Disconnected & Depressed

One of the many shitty things about being bipolar is never knowing just how long the low-lows and the high-highs are going to last.


Bipolar drags me from the extreme high and lows of life on a daily basis. Finding a middle ground is a constant, frustrating battle.


Depression, bipolar depression, anxiety, mood disorders. Depression leaves you filled with 1,000 of questions and absolutely no answers.

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